Contec wins the ESG Leaders Prize’s Gold Award
The newly introduced ESG Leaders prize by PwC Poland, Warsaw Stock Exchange, and NN Investment Partners TFI has announced its first set of winners for 2021. The prizes were awarded to 9 companies, while almost 100 companies and 20 people were nominated.
The award for an Industrial Strategy, Innovation, and Educational Program as ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) acknowledges the relevance of the 2015 UN Sustainable Development Goals for environmental and social rights protection and corporate governance in doing business.
We’re proud to be a winner of the ESG Leaders 2021 competition and selected for the ‘Gold Award’ for Innovation in the field of ESG!
Gold Award in Innovation
The ESG Leaders prize was awarded to nine companies. And Contec received the ESG Leaders 2021 golden award for ‘Innovation in the field of ESG.’
Contec won the prize for its innovation and implementation of a novel patented pyrolysis process, which helps clean and eco-friendly disposal of end-of-life tire waste.
Our pilot plant in Szczecin operates two pyrolysis lines and can recycle almost 100 percent of the tire waste, to produce recovered Carbon Black (rCB), recovered Tire Pyrolysis Oil, and Recovered Steel.
These Contec circular products can be alternatives to several fossil-fuel-based raw materials, like Carbon Black, whose prices are increasing due to the current geopolitics. Contec’s rCB can be a sustainable option for semi-reinforcing virgin Carbon Black (vCB), while recovered Tire Pyrolysis Oil can produce high-reinforcing vCBs. Moreover, the protected pyrolysis technology has significantly reduced the carbon footprint of these secondary materials compared to conventional raw materials.
Since Carbon Black is essential in making tires, using Contec’s secondary products can help the tire industry achieve its sustainability and emission-reduction goals.
Speaking about the ESG award, Contec CEO, Krzysztof Wróblewski said,
“This award is another shot of motivation to make a difference in the world and to solve two problems. The first problem we face is the abundance of used car tires both in Europe and the world, which we have to deal with; the second one is also the lack of environmentally-responsible raw materials that other companies could, in turn, use in their production.
We want to provide companies with these raw materials – to be precise, from used tires. It seems to us that we need to build responsibility at all scales. The big companies, of course, have a significant impact. But we, by developing these technologies that aren’t yet on the market, are providing these more prominent players with the tools to turn waste into raw materials.”
About the Prize
The ESG Leaders competition was created to reward companies whose ESG approach resulted in innovative products and services with little or no negative environmental impact. These companies have also promoted sustainable industrial development through an effective information campaign.
Awards were given in three categories: Strategy, Innovation, and Educational Program. One hundred companies and 20 individuals were nominated for the prize. Besides Contec, eight other companies got the award. The competition jury for the prizes were experts in ESG, science, financial markets, and business.
The competition was organized by NN Investment Partners (PwC, TFI, and GPW) and partners of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, UN Global Compact Network Poland, Polish Association of Capital Investors, Polish Bank Association, and Łukasiewicz Research Network.
Companies with more than 250 employees will have to report their ESG starting in 2023. The prize highlights that industries are taking their sustainability commitment seriously, and forward-thinking companies are taking proactive actions. The competition shows that leaders in sustainable development can be small and large enterprises.
Contec’s sustainable products can help not only the tire industry but also the wider plastics sector reach its aim of producing sustainable, low-carbon products. To this end, we continue collaborating with partners and boosting innovation in the industry.
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